Parental Involvement

Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School District recognizes that providing our parents with opportunities to become involved in their children’s educational experiences has a direct and significant impact on their child’s education and goals. It has been proven that students of involved parents earn higher grades and test scores, attend school regularly, develop better social skills with higher self-esteem and will graduate and go on to post-secondary colleges or universities. Furthermore, research affirms that our parental involvementis more predictive of success than socio-economic status, ethnicity, or parents’ educational background. Our schools value parents as equal partners intheir child’s education and we provide and recommend a variety of ways forparents to demonstrate their involvement, beginning with simply showing a genuine interest in your child’s classwork, asking questions, and listening to their responses. Our school personnel value and rely on two-way communicationwith parents, and found that by working together, our children will flourish within our community. We encourage parents to exercise their rights as follows and to become active participants in their children’s educational pursuits.


Parents have the right to request qualifications of their children’s classroom teachers, including:

  •  The teacher’s qualifications to teach the subject matter

  •  The type of credential held

  •  The degree of graduate certificate held

  •  If services are provided by a paraprofessional, what type of services, and the paraprofessional’s qualifications

Over the past several years, Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School District staff has used various activities for involving parents in the educational process for their children.

  • Latino Literacy

  • Parenting Partners

  • PIQE

  • Grade Level Workshops

  • Career Day

  • Computer Literacy

Please contact each school directly for a complete list and dates of the various programs being offered.