Special Services

The Special Services Department is committed to the vision of Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School District is for all students to be college and career ready and prepared to compete in a global economy.

The Special Services Department purpose is to serve students who have exceptional needs.  These needs include: communication, learning, cognitive skills, emotional state, behavior, sensory, mobility, hygiene, medical, and health issues.  Sometimes those needs are temporary and minor, while at other times they are lifelong and more serious.  The job of the Special Services Department is to determine what those needs are, and find ways to meet said needs.  This must be done in a way that affords the student the benefit to be in all the activities that non-disabled peers enjoy.  One of the goals our department takes seriously is to provide supports in a way that guides the student towards independence and self sufficiency.  

Student Study Team (SST)

The SST is a group formed within the school to further examine a student’s academic, behavioral and social-emotional progress. The SST team can propose interventions for the student. The team usually consists of a teacher, administrator, and support personnel from the school. Sometimes a special education teacher will also participate to give his or her perspective. The student and parent are also a part of the team.

The SST meeting provides everyone with an opportunity to share concerns and develop a plan. Either a staff member or parent can make a referral. The interventions agreed upon will vary depending on the child's educational needs.

If you suspect your student has a disability, contact your school’s principal or counselor with your concerns. The referral to SST can be initiated by a parent, student, guardian, physician, teacher, or other appropriate individual.  At the SST, the team will help determine what the next step will be.  Sometimes, extra supports or interventions are the recommendation.  If extra supports or interventions are offered, the student’s progress will be monitored to see if there are improvements in the areas of concern.  Other times, students will be referred for an evaluation for Section 504 Accommodations, an Individual Health Service Plan, or Special Education eligibility.  The Student Study Team (SST) usually consists of a school administrator, counselor, and general education teachers.

Special ED Records Requests

Under the provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA 2004), parents have the right to access, inspect and review any educational records relating to their child that are collected, maintained or used by the school district. A student educational record includes any record maintained by the school district that can be identified by the student’s name.

There are two major records in regards to students that received or have received special education services.  The first is General Education records which are the records kept on all students.  Then there are Special Education records, for student meet eligibility criteria for an Individual Education Plan (IEP).

When parents request access to their child’s records, school districts should comply with such requests without unreasonable delay. It is not unreasonable to schedule a time to review records within a few days when an administrator or designee can monitor parental or parental representative access to the school records. Access to student educational records is monitored by the school district and documentation should identify who accessed the records, the date access was given, and the purpose for which access was granted.

Please contact the Special Services Department to review your child’s records.



Our school district is part of a larger collective of schools known as a Special Education Local Planning Area (SELPA).  The Tulare County Office Of Education serves as the administrative body for our SELPA (tcoe.org/special/).  In additions to serving students, out SELPA provides free trainings to staff and parents.  A list of the trainings can be found at the Special Services Calendar of Events:  (tulareselpa.org/CalendarOfEvents.html).

The California Department of Education - Diagnostic Center of Central California also provides free Professional Development Opportunities  (dcc-cde.ca.gov/dev.htm).

Parent Rights English and Spanish

Community Advisory Committee for Special Education - CAC