Curriculum and Instruction

The Department of Educational Services is designed to meet the curriculum, instructional, and support needs of the students, staff and parents in the Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School District. The Department staff collaborates with teachers, administrators and parents throughout the District to support a rigorous and engaging instructional program, aligned to the California State Standards.

The work of the Department of Educational Services is linked to the Board of Education goals, the LCAP, and the LCAP Addendum plans for the District. Our goal is to ensure all students make at least one year's growth annually through engaging in challenging, relevant coursework that will prepare them for college, career, and community and receiving appropriate supports when needed.   The department works together, as a team, to support the eight schools in the district.  They work at providing leadership, coordination and support in the areas of curriculum, assessment, instruction and student support. 

The Department of Educational Services encompasses the following areas:

  • Curriculum and Instruction

  • Assessment and Accountability

  • Professional Learning  

  • Special Education Services

  • English Learner Services

  • College and Career Readiness

  • Educational Technology

  • Categorical Services

  • Community Services

  • Dual Immersion Programs

  • Early Childhood Education

Additional Resources