State and Federal Programs

he Categorical Department oversees the state and federal categorical funds and the requirements of the funds that directly flow to district programs and sites.  The department oversight consists of the funding application process, budget development, distribution of funding, and monitoring compliant use of the funding.
The Categorical Department implements the program requirements of Title I, as required by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and other federal programs such as Title II, Title III, and Migrant.
This department also coordinates the assistance and support for the development of the annual Single Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA).

Categorical Program Descriptions

Title I
Funds are used to support effective, research-based educational strategies that close the achievement gap between high-and low-performing students and enable the students to meet the state's challenging academic standards. Title I-funded schools are either targeted assistance schools or schoolwide program schools
Funds may be used in a variety of ways as long as they provide supplemental services that are focused on improving student achievement. Examples of how funds may be used include, but is not limited to the following:

  • Supplemental support provided by teachers and instructional aides

  • Extended learning time (e.g., before school and after school)

  • Parent involvement

  • Supplemental instructional materials and other instructional support

  • Staff development

  • Promoting and developing positive school culture

  • Health, nutrition, and other social services

Title III LEP and Title III Immigrant      
The program focuses on language instruction for limited-English-proficient and immigrant students.

The program provides for supplementary programs and services to students that are limited English proficient, known as English learners.

Funds may be used for a variety of purposes that provide for support directed to ELs, including:              

  • English language development instruction

  •  Enhanced instruction for ELs in core subject areas

  • High-quality professional development for teachers and other staff

  • Identifying and improving curriculum, materials, and assessments

  • Tutorials or other intervention support to meet the language development needs of ELs

  • Educational technology

  • Providing community participation programs, including family literacy and parent outreach

  • Coordinating language instruction program with other programs and services

Title II
This is a federal program that increases student academic achievement through strategies such as improving teacher and principal quality.
The Title II purpose of, Part A is to increase the academic achievement of all students by helping schools and districts to:

  1. improve teacher and principal quality through professional development and other activities, including reduced class sizes; and

  2. ensure all teachers are highly qualified.

The program focuses on preparing, training, and recruiting high-quality teachers. Allows LEAs increased flexibility to allocate funds among professional development, class-size reduction, and other teacher quality activities.

Contact Information

Sunsie Tumacder

Director of Accountability, Student Services & Categorical Programs

Email Sunsie

Phone Ext. 1407

Elisa Arellano

Categorical Programs Secretary

Email Elisa

Phone Ext. 1404

Brenda Ayala

Business Service Technician

Email Brenda

Phone Ext. 1202

District Advisory Committee (DAC)


School districts receiving State funds are required to establish a district advisory committee (DAC). This committee also serves as one of the parent advisory committees for the LCFF/LCAP.


DACs are required to certify that the LEA’s Consolidated Application for specified categorical funds, including, but not limited to school-based coordinated categorical programs, compensatory education programs, and EIA programs, was developed with review and advice from those committees.

DAC Committee Members

School sites are currently electing new committee members for the 2016-2017 school year.

District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC)


1. The DELAC, or subcommittee on English learner education, shall advise the district’s local governing board on program and services for English learners.

2. The DELAC shall be responsible for advising the district’s local governing board on the following tasks:         

·         A. Development or revision of a district master plan of education programs and services for English learners, taking into consideration the Single Plan for Student Achievement.

·         B. Conducting a district-wide needs assessment on a school-by-school basis.

·         C. Establishment of district programs, goals, and objectives for programs and services for English learners (e.g., parental exception waivers and funding).

·         D. Development of a plan to ensure compliance with any applicable teacher and instructional aide requirements.

·         E. Administration of the annual language census (e.g., procedures and forms).

·         F. Review and comment on the district’s reclassification procedures.

·         G. Review and comment on the written notifications required to be sent to parents and guardians.

Composition Requirements

  • Parents or guardians of English learners not employed by the district must constitute a majority membership (51 percent or more) of the committee.

  • School districts receiving State funds are required to establish a district advisory committee (DAC). This committee also serves as one of the parent advisory committees for the LCFF/LCAP.


Each California Public school district, grades kindergarten through 12, with 51 or more English learners must form a District-level English Advisory Committee (DELAC) or subcommittee of an existing district-wide advisory committee.  

Additional Resources